My Perfect Livecoding steam for OSX

I’ve been interested in live streaming for a while now. I’ve been playing with on and off, and through this experience I’ve had to deal with the crappy internet connections and configuration complications I’ve had to figure out. I thought I’d document my current configuration so that I might help make other potential streamers’ experiences a bit smoother. Prerequisites I’m using OBS to stream on osx Yosemite. I’m using a 15" Macbook Pro Mid-2014.

I've been tying my laces all wrong

When I was young, I had trouble doing something that most young children struggle with - tying my shoe laces. I am left handed and my parents are both right handed which made learning even more difficult for me than for other children. Eventually, an older boy who was also left handed taught me and the rest was history. Except that’s not the end of this story - I always had problems with tying shoes ever since.

Consuming Nested API Routes with Ember

At the time of writing I’m learning Ember-cli for the first time. It’s pretty tough as there’s not too much up-to-date documentation out there, but I’m slowly getting there, and I’m beginning to feel the power it brings. One of the things I’ve been finding especially difficult is grokking how Ember consumes API data - specifically how it decides upon what the route it wants to consume looks like. After hours of fruitless Googling and reading, I relented and hit IRC: #emberjs on Freenode to be specific.

Joining ScreenHero with Slack Credit

Preamble You may have heard of Slack before - a brilliant team chat service that raised $180m from the likes of Andressen Horowitz, Google Ventures, Kleiner Perkins and Accel. Very cool. Well, on Wednesday Techcrunch posted an article announcing slack’s aquisition of Screenhero, a Ycombinator allum who have a really slick tool for remote pairing and screensharing. This provides some really interesting prospects for slack users - being able to remotely debug or collaborate on issues through Screenhero directly is the first thing that comes to mind.

Making Unite.vim use the project root directory

I’ve been using vim for quite a while now - I think it’s about 3 years . Over the short 3 year journey, I’ve built up a pretty massive vimrc file which I add & tweak almost every day. Over the past week I decided to make the switch over to Unite.vim, but coming from ctrlp, I wasn’t satisfied with the default behaviour. Problem There are plenty of ctrlp snippets out there which approximate ctrlp’s behaviour, but one thing they don’t focus on is ctrlp’s ability to find your project root and search within its context.